GraphQl for Grandjs
Grandjs now supports graphql using apollo server for building performant APis using graphql with the help of grandjs speed
npm i apollo-grand-server
You need to install the following dependencies to be able to use apollo-grand-server
- type-graphql
- grand-connectors
- grandjs
- reflect-metadata
At first import grandjs needed Classes and utilities
import { Server, Router } from 'grandjs';
to start use apollo server you need to import it from apollo-grand-server
library as the following:
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-grand-server';
Setting Up Grandjs Server
Server.setConfig({port: 3000,nativeParsing: false,cors : {origin: '*',methods: 'GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE',preflightContinue: false,optionsSuccessStatus: 204},})Server.use(<any>urlencoded({extended: false}));Server.use(<any>json());
Then initiate grandjs server
Server.initServer(() => {console.log(`server now is running on 3000`)})
Then instantiate ApolloServer
class as the following:
const server = new ApolloServer({schema});
Now you need to use applyMiddleWare
method from apollo grandjs Server
as the following: