Grandjs Framework
GrafkaGrand CliGrand ConnectorsGrand ModelGrand ValidatorPrerequisitesFeaturesInstallingGetting StartedTypesSchemaSchema String TypeAvailable options for string typeSchema Number TypeSchema Boolean TypeSchema ObjectId TypeSchema Any TypeSchema Function TypeSchema Object TypeSchema Array TypeMultiTypesChanging the schemaValidate DataGet Validation Result
Grandjs Core

Grand Validator

This package uses Grandjs framework validation methods, functions, schema to allow you to validate your coming data and build schema for dynamic data easily, smoothly and without confusing.


You don't need anything to start building amazing validation, you just need to be installed nodejs on your machine


  • Different ways to validate your data
  • Building schema for your data to easily validate them
  • use Grandjs validators as middlewars for your routes
  • Schema for nested objects and array's items
  • Custom Types such as Object ID and Any type
  • DYnamic validation messages are generated for each field based on the data type with the ability to send custom message for each input
  • MultiTypes Schema to validate the coming data in different ways


open the command prompt and navigate to the project folder and just say

npm install grand-validator --save

Getting Started

const {Schema, Types, Validator} = require("grand-validator");


Grandjs Validator gives you different data types which include native javascript types and custom types to use these types inside the schema definition.

Available Types

  • Object (native type)
  • Array (native type)
  • ObjectId (custom type)
  • String (native type)
  • Number (native type)
  • Boolean (native type)
  • Function (native type)
  • Any (custom type)


Grandjs validator introduces to you a basic way to validate your data with creating schema that opposites the data, schema helps you to define the coming data and specify the value of each filed with the ability to make this filed optional or required and the ability to specify multitypes for this filed.

Schema implies a class which is instantiated when you define new schema as the following:

const {Schema, Types, Validator} = require("grand-validator");
const schema = new Schema();

When instantiating this class you can pass one argument to the constructor which is optional, this argument is object implies the schema modeling as the following:

const {Schema, Types, Validator} = require("grand-validator");
const schema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: false //default true

each property inside the schema should be an object this object has main property called type which represents the type of this property

schema property options:

typeString, Object, Array, Number, ObjectId, Any, Boolean, Functionno default
requiredtrue / falsetrue
messageStringautomatic generated validation message

Schema String Type

you can define the type of the property as string as one of the following ways:

name: {
type: String,
required: false, //default true
message: "name should be a string", // optional
in: ["Adam", "Tarek", "John"] //optional, filed Type: Array of


name: {
type: Types.String,
required: false, //default true
message: "name should be a string", // optional
in: ["Adam", "Tarek", "John"] //optional, filed Type: Array of strings

Available options for string type

typeString, Object, Array, Number, ObjectId, Any, Boolean, Functionno defaultthe type of value of this property
requiredtrue / falsetrueis provding this property is required or not
messageStringautomatic generated validation message
inArray-Array of strings that this value should be one of them
notEmptyBooleanfalseboolean value to check if the string is empty or not
lengthNumber-specified number to check if the length of this string is not greater than that number

Schema Number Type

you can define the type of the property as Number as one of the following ways:

age: {
type: Number,
required: false, //default true
message: "age should be a number", // optional


name: {
type: Types.Number,
required: false, //default true
message: "age should be a number", // optional

Schema Boolean Type

you can define the type of the property as Boolean as one of the following ways:

married: {
type: Boolean,
required: false, //default true
message: "age should be a number", // optional


married: {
type: Types.Boolean,
required: false, //default true
message: "married should be a boolean value", // optional

Schema ObjectId Type

you can define the type of the property as ObjectId for mongodb documents as the following way:

_id: {
type: Types.ObjectId,
required: false, //default true
message: "_id should be an object id", // optional

Note ObjectId type is originally a string but we perform some validation to make sure that it's serialized as real mongodb object id

Schema Any Type

you can define the type of the property as Any type as the following way:

additionalInfo: {
type: Types.Any,
required: false, //default true

Note Types.Any checks if the property has any type so it can be undefined, null, string, number, boolean, function, array or object

Schema Function Type

you can define the type of the property as Function as one of the following ways:

action: {
type: Function,
required: true, //default true
message: "action should be a function", // optional


married: {
type: Types.Function,
required: false, //default true
message: "action should be a function", // optional

Schema Object Type

you can define the type of the property as Object as one of the following ways:

cardInfo: {
type: Object || Types.Object,
required: true, //default true
message: "cardInfo should be an object", // optional

Note: for nested data validations inside this object you can define an object with these properties as the following:

cardInfo: {
type: {
cardNumber: {
type: Number
type: {
type: String
csv: {
type: Number
required: true, //default true
message: "cardInfo should be an object", // optional

you can still add nested schema inside the object as you want and all of these schemas will be validated in the same way.

Schema Array Type

you can define the type of the property as an Array as the following way:

hobbies: {
type: Array || Types.Array

Note: for nested data validations inside this array you can define types inside the array as the following:

hobbies: {
type: [{
type: String,
message: "hobbies items should be string"

this represents array of strings

you can still add nested schema inside the array as you want and all of these schemas will be validated in the same way.


Schema has the ability to define multi types for single field to give options to the validator to validate the coming data based one of the provided data types.

to use the multi type option you don't need anything just adding property called multiTypes as true inside the schema and set the type as array of types like the following

var schema = {
cardInfo: {
type: {
cardNumber: {
type: [Number, String],
multiTypes: true

Changing the schema

you can change the schema of the instantiated class whenever you want by accessing a property called schema inside the class which implies an object contains your pre defined schema

var userSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String
email: {
type: String
age: {
type: Number
// output:
name: {
type: String
email: {
type: String
age: {
type: Number

Validate Data

Now you can validate the data against the pre defined schema using validate method which takes one argument which is an object contains the data


var userSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String
email: {
type: String
age: {
type: Number
// validate the schema
name: "tarek",
email: "",
age: 20

Get Validation Result

you can access on the validation result over the schema by calling this property validations which is an array of objects contains the error fields and the message of each field, if there are no errors validations will return an empty array.


var userSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String
email: {
type: String
age: {
type: Number
// validate the schema
name: "tarek",
email: "",
age: 20
// will return an array []